Rabu, 01 Agustus 2018

Daily Activity 01/08/2018

Daily Activity 01/08/2018

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Hello again guys, today I will tell you what I'll do in the kitchen, it's just like yesterday. Today all of us will make a few tart like cheese cake and apple pie with pie crust that already we made yesterday ago. That's not at all, today we will bake croissant that already we made yesterday, this day too we all is showed how to make the right way to make puff pastry from Mr. Faizal, he gave us trick how to  make it so we will made the right puff pastry and not get fail. I and my friend get the change to make cheese cake with recipe from Chef Salam, we get showed how to make the filling for the cheese cake until finish, and for our try our cheese cake is right and perfect just like Chef Salam told to us. Beside of that we prepare for our croissant too, the croissant just need to be profing for 1 and half our and get covered already with egg was, and for 10 minute before we bake it we gave it egg wash again, and after that we bake it with 175 degree celcius for 10 minute and we decrease the temprature to 150 degree celcius for another 10 minute again, after that get it out from oven and let it.


Cheese Cake

As long as we doing that 2 product we also get showed how to make perfect puff pastry by Mr Faizal, his technique is so easy to understand and his describe how to made it so good so we can easy to remember it.But today we not made puff pastry because our croiisant is not like what Mr Faizal want, so tomorrow we neede to make it again. After all product for today is finished all of us break a few minute to eat, and after that we GC just like usually after we finished using kitchen. Last, after GC is done we get refferal from Mr Jayadi about waht we need to do so we can manage our time more better tahn now, and after that we going home by our own. 

Thats all what I do in the kitchen today, I hope what I already share can be usefull for all of you that already read it guys and if theres something wrong, please fill the comment content guys, so next time I will made it into better and more better again. Thank you very much.   

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