Sabtu, 01 September 2018

Daily Activity 29/08/2018

Daily Activity 29/08/2018 

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Today we will prepare for our product that we will sell, breakfast in lobby poltekpar, and to make a mini cake that mr Faizal told to us. To prepare all of this thing, we divided into 9 team so we don't waste our time to much, each team need to make whole bread from sourdough and mini cake. But there a few team that just have one personel or just two of them to make so many of this product, so they have troubled to make it in time and because of that,we make mr Faizal so angry and mad to us. He mad to us because we use ingredient to much and can't manage our time to make our product, and that make him so angry to us, he gave us punishment and not just that, all of our prepare we must throw it in the trash bag. After all prepare we throw away, now we GC our place that we used and wash our tools. After that we have been told to leave the kitchen because mr Faizal didn't want to see us in the kitchen, so all of us is forced to going to home. But, because we want to practice so we persuade mr Faizal to let us to keep practice in kitchen, but because he already in bad mood so mr Faizal keep don't let us to practice. 

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