Sabtu, 15 September 2018

Daily Activity 10/09/2018

Daily Activity 10/09/2018

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Today I and all my classmate practice again in the kitchen, for today we will studied how to make a perfect recipe to make any kind of bread from Mr. Faizal, we have been told that the perfect recipe for making bread is need to be balance for all ingredient, we cant make perfect bread if we dont measure the ingredient in right way. Now I and my team will make our own recipe to our bread that will we make today. After we finish to make our own recipe we need to make it into a real bread. For today I and my team will make Cakwe, according to my recipe that I made from what Mr. Faizal teach to us, this is my recipe;

  • All Purpose Flour    150 gr
  • Hard Flour               100 gr
  • Tapioka Flour          50 gr
  • Egg                          1 pcs
  • Baking Powder        1 1/2 sdt
  • Baking Soda             1 sdt
  • Oil                            1 tbsp
  • Salt                           6 gr
  • Yeast                        5 gr
  • Water                       As Needed


- First we mix all dry ingredient until mix well
- Add egg into the dry ingredient until it blend, and after that pour the water little by little until it become dough, after it become dough add the oil and knead it until the oil blend with the dough, function of oil is to make the dough is elastic 
- Knead the dough until it become smooth and not dull, and after that wrap it and let it proofing for 30 minute
- After that spread the table with flour and knead the dough again, make it into mail shape and after that wrap it and let it proofing for 20 minute
- After proofing, knead the dough into long shape and press it, after that we cut it into 2 cm length, stack dough into 2 and press it in the center of dough with skewer to make each dough stick perfectly
- Heat the oil and fryed the dough until it become golden brown, and finish

Thats the way I made my Cakwe today, after all of the bread is finish to make we let Mr Faizal to see our recipe and our bread, after that we clean our place and after that we break to eat and get rest.

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