Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

Daily Activity 02/08/2018

Daily Activity 02/08/2018

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Hello guys, you must be like to read my blog didn't you hehehe, just kidding. Today like yesterday I will share my experience about what happened in the kitchen today. Today I and my friend must repeated our product that failed yesterday, that is Croissant. So today we need to make Croissant again like yesterday. I and my friend prepare all of ingredient that we need to use to make Croissant, after that we get refferal from Mr Faizal before we doing. After that we made our Croissant, now we will make the first folded, but we don't just made Croissant today, today we make the filling for tarlet too again and now my team is get to made Mango Pie. So we split up, there's one from my team is make tarlet filling and another is make Croissant. I get to making Croissant, but I help my friend if I don't to busy because we need to wait the Croissant after we folded it, so I can help my friend to make the filling for our tarlet. After filling to tarlet finished I back to make my Croissant with my friend, now is the second time to folded the dough, after we folded it we take it again in chiller to chiil it for 30 minute so the shortening butter inside the dough is not melted. While we waiting the Croissant we made our tarlet, but because mango is not availeble so we change it with banana so we made the banana fill, after the fill is finish and colded, now we add the filling into the tarlet and we put it into freezer so the filling become harder, and after the filling is harder we add the garnish in the top of filling that is caramelized banana and we chill it again in the freezer and tarlet done. Now is the time to make the last folded for Croissant before we measure it and made it into triangle shape, but before that we need to chill it again. While waiting we have been teached by Chef Salam how to make a few kind of pastry produk that use Puff Pastry tha Mr. Faizal made yesterday, he made Apple Struddle, Molen Surabaya and another else. Beside that Mr Faizal is teach us to how to make Butterfly Cookies and Chocolate Croissant. After that we back to make our croissant and measure it into portion size. After that we put it into pan and profing it for the last time before we bake it. After Croissant is profing we brush egg wash in top of the Croissant and we bake it for 175 degree celcius for 20 -25 minute until it get browned. Then when it finish we put it into container, but we already fail again our Croissant is not like what Mr. Faizal want, so now we need to get punishment like yesterday. We run 5 lap around field. Our mistake today is we roll it to slow and to hard so the butter is melted and make dough can profing goodly. After we run we break a few minute for eat and after that we GC. Then after that we get refferal before we going to home by Mr Jayadi about what will we made for tomorrow, and that is what happen today in kitchen guyss, doesn't that looks very interesting and challenging. 

Banana Pie

Thats all what I do in the kitchen today, I hope what I already share can be usefull for all of you that already read it guys and if theres something wrong, please fill the comment content guys, so next time I will made it into better and more better again. Thank you very much. 

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