Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

Daily Activity 31/07/2018

Daily Activity 31/07/2018

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Hello guys long time no see. Well,  this time I will share a little bit of my experience and what kind of activity that I do in the kitchen into my blog guys. Just move into the point, today is the 2nd day I do practice in the kitchen after long holiday and it was 2nd day for me in 5 term in my collage. After get some referrals about what will we do in this term, and had been gived task in the first day from Mr. Faizal we all do practice where will be made dough for tarlet and this dough is separate into two kind of dough that is sugar dough and pie dough. The different about this two dough  is, one is salty and suitable for filling that made from meat, chicken, fish, cheese and many else that was pie dough or we always said it quiche dough, beside for sugar dough this is dough that have sweet taste and always used to make dessert like fruit tarlet, apple pie, custard pie, and many else. In the first day of practice ini kitchen all of us have been failed to make this pie crust and that made all of us get a punishment to run 3 laps around the field from Mr. Faizal. But in the next day we have been taught how to make the perfect pie crust from Chef Salam and what we gain is we can made it perfect and get accepted by Mr Faizal. After we accomplish how to make pie crust from sugar dough or pie dough, we go into next lesson and that was how to make croissant with Mr Faizal method and trick so we can made into the right direction and dont fail to made it, this is a few picture that I take for this today:

In the middle of progress to make croissant we get an obstacle, that is the croisant dough that we already made is being broken and butter from inside of dough is flowing out and made dough become wet, so the dough is not profing perfectly and the surface of dough is uneven. For that, all of us must repeat to make it again until perfect. After that we get rest and get eat, after eat we all do GC like usually after we finished using kitchen. Last, before we go home, we had given some refferals from Mr Faizal before we are going home, we all going home at 19.13.

Thats all what I do in the kitchen today, I hope what I already share can be usefull for all of you that already read it guys and if theres something wrong, please fill the comment content guys, so next time I will made it into better and more better again. Thank you very much.   


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